Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Christmas 2014 Meditation Six

Jacob's Well
John 4:5-42
Today we are going to Nablus, the Samaritan town where Jesus met a woman at the well. The biblical name for the town is Sychar, Jacob's well is there. Jesus was on his way back from Judea to escape the Pharisees. As he headed back to Galilee he decided to travel through Samaria. He got tired around noon, so he stopped and sat down by the well. There he met a Samaritan woman and had a strange conversation.

According to John, this is the first time that Jesus talks to a person that is not Jewish. And this is no ordinary gentile, this is a woman and a Samaritan. Good Jewish men did not talk to women alone and good Jews didn't talk to any Samaritan. This is a forbidden conversation, but Jesus starts it anyway.

Not only does he talk to this woman, who had five husbands and was living with a man that wasn't his husband, but he offers her the living water. He tells this sinful, Samaritan woman that he is the Messiah! He did not tell Nicodemus, a Pharisee. He didn't tell John the Baptist or his disciples. He told an insignificant outcast!

Standing at the well, reading this story I cried. I cried because I am that woman. I am a sinner. I am insignificant. And at times, I am an outcast. Despite all that, Jesus reveals Himself to me! I come to the well, thirsty everyday. And everyday Jesus meets me there with the living water. He quenches my thirst, forgives me and heals me.

Then after revealing His love and grace, Jesus sends me out to share it with others. Just like the Samaritan woman, I need to go and tell everyone what Jesus has done for me. I must bring them to the well so that they can drink the living water too.

Icon in St. Photini Greek Orthodox Church in Nablus
(Photini means "the enlightened one")

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