Monday, December 30, 2013

Twelve Days of Christmas Reflections - Day 6

“I am the good shepherd; I know my sheep and my sheep know me—just as the Father knows me and I know the Father—and I lay down my life for the sheep."  John 10:14-15

We are half way through Christmas so I'm leaving the Nativity narratives and the beginning of John's Gospel. Thus far I have looked at what others have said about Jesus, now I am turning to what He proclaims about Himself. Who did Jesus say He was?

Jesus talked in parable and metaphor more than just proclaiming the truth. I think it was because we cannot truly understand His nature and to make us struggle and think about what He was teaching. If everything was simple would we really devote the time to get to know Jesus? Jesus proclaims that He is The Good Shepherd, those around Him must have realized that meant He cares for those who are not able to care for themselves. Let's face it sheep are not the brightest of animals and they wonder off quickly. I believe that some of the hearers of this might have been insulted or thought they didn't need Jesus because they could take care of themselves. How often do we think that way? I know I have told someone who was trying to help me, "I don't need your help" often. Of course when we finally give in and let the other person help we realize we did need the help and the burden was much lighter because of their presence.

Above the altar at St. Mark’s is a beautiful stained-glass window with Jesus holding a sheep, “The Good Shepherd”. As I was looking at it on Christmas Eve, I was struck by the fact that Jesus is holding the sheep, it is not next to Him, but cradled in His arms. Jesus says that He knows His sheep and that He lays down His life for the sheep. That means that He knows me, knows what makes me different from all the others and He cradles me in is arms. He cradles ME, despite my faults, despite my failure to love Him and others! Not only that, He lays down His life for ME. There is nothing to do but allow Him to love and cradle me in His arms, nothing is expected of me. He will carry me and ease the burden, whatever it is. All I need to do is accept His help!

*The above picture is the reflection of the stained glass window in the chalice of wine. Diane San Giacomo is the photographer of this wonderful picture.

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