Thursday, January 2, 2014

Twelve Days of Christmas Reflections - Day 9

When Jesus spoke again to the people, he said, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.”

Jesus declares that He is the Light of the World shortly after He stops a woman from being stoned to death for committing adultery. The Jewish leaders brought this woman to Jesus to try to trip Him up. They asked whether they should follow the Law of Moses which states that she should be stoned to death. Jesus finally answers after much questioning and badgering, "Let any one of you who is without sin be the first to throw a stone at her." 

This caused them all to think a bit about themselves. One by one, the oldest first, they left until it was just the woman and Jesus. Jesus asks if any one condemned her and she said no. His response was to not condemn her and send her on her way with the command to "leave your life of sin."

I don't think the world can get much darker than when people want to judge and punish another person, especially by stoning her to death. The woman must have felt she lived in darkness and her religion was making her world even darker. Yet Jesus showed her the Light of forgiveness and grace. This is the beacon of hope for all of us, because none of us is without sin.

How often do we look at others that are different than us and judge them? I have heard many people look at the poor and homeless and say, "get a job." We often assume that a person less fortunate than ourselves, especially those living on the streets, must be at fault for their station in life. We think, "There must be something wrong with that person. Why should I help him if he won't help himself?" Thus, we contribute to the darkness of their world. However, as followers of Jesus we are suppose to shine His light into those dark spaces.

I was blessed to help bring the Light of the World to the homeless in downtown Buffalo on a rainy Friday night in December. I went with a group of people from St. Mark’s to join with Hearts for the Homeless at their mobile soup kitchen to hand out gift cards to Burger King from St. Mark’s as well as help serve the meals. The people that were surrounded by darkness included a family with a two-year old child, the young and old, men and women, well-spoken and educated as well as the barely literate. They needed food, clothing, bedding and self-care items. But most of all they needed to be treated like human beings, with respect. I was awestruck as I watched the dedicated Hearts for the Homeless volunteers freely give their love, time and treasure to those in need; offering all this with respect and dignity. I was reminded as I looked into the eyes of those I gave the cards to how much each one is like me. There is no difference between us except that I got to get in my car and drive to my nice warm, dry house. The RV that parks by the Buffalo Library six nights a week is a beacon of light and hope to so many people. 

Let us all strive to be a beacon of light for someone else each day!

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