Saturday, June 15, 2013

Assume Nothing

A good life is when you assume nothing, do more, need less, smile often, dream big, laugh a lot and realize how blessed you are for what you have.

As I was running this morning I came to an intersection at the same time as a car making a right turn. The driver had a stop sign and she did stop, but there are many times I have seen cars slow down look to their left and keep going. Given how often I have seen this, I stopped so that I wouldn't get run over; I was pleasantly surprised  when she came to a complete stop and looked at me to go ahead. Of course I had the right of way, but that doesn't mean anything if I get hit by a car.

As I passed the intersection and waved my thanks to the driver, I thought about how I assume nothing at these intersections. I don't know what to expect as the drivers come to the corner. Will they stop? Will they see me? Even though I always wear reflective and bright gear, I'm not sure I will be seen. As a matter of fact, my husband, Dave, was almost hit this morning by a driver who wasn't looking as she made a right turn on red without stopping. So, for my safety I assume nothing.

What if we lived life assuming nothing? What if we assumed nothing when we meet a person who looks or acts different than us? What if we assumed nothing when we hear about an organization? What if we assumed nothing when we were in an unpleasant or difficult situation? What if we taught our children to assume nothing?

If I assume nothing about a person, I might learn how similar we are instead of how different. I might learn about the common cause that brings us together, not the tiny idea that pulls us apart. If I assume nothing about a person I may make a new friend. My new friend may change me and help me grow into a better and wiser person.

If I assume nothing about an organization, I might learn the good it is doing. I might find out that the organization is improving lives. If I assume nothing, I might find a cause I can believe in. I may become part of a new organization and start helping to change the world. If I assume nothing, my life might be improved.

If I assume nothing in a difficult situation, I might listen to the other person's point of view. I might find out that the other person is scared or hurt. If I assume nothing, I might learn something about myself. I might find a better way to communicate. If I assume nothing, I might change my view of the world. I may bring healing to the other person and myself.

If we teach our children to assume nothing, maybe they would see the world differently. Maybe they would not bully or pick on other kids based on how they looked or acted. If our children assumed nothing, maybe they would truly treat everyone equally. Maybe they would bring true peace to the world. If our children assumed nothing, maybe they would end hunger. Maybe they would find cures for MS, cancer, diabetes and many other diseases.

The way to peace and equality may be to assume nothing. It is really hard, we make assumptions, judgements really, constantly. Our past experiences lead us to make assumptions about people, places and organizations. However, we don't want someone to assume they know what we are like by our looks, our friends or our associations. So, I am going to try to assume nothing when I meet someone, hear about an organization or am in a difficult situation. I am going to try to teach my children and the children I work with to assume nothing. What will you assume as you encounter new people, places and situations?

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