Monday, July 29, 2013

Rounding the Corner

I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.

Philippians 3:14 (NIV)

When I was running on vacation recently, I was thinking about how much I enjoy running in new places. The really exciting thing is seeing new things. I often run a little further to see what's around the next corner or over the hill.

I sometimes go to these new places with very little idea what roads I will be running on or what the terrain will be like. Occasionally, I plan out a route, especially when I'm training for a race; but it is still a surprise. Until you are in a place you really don't know what it looks like.

I started to wonder if that is how God wants us to live our lives; running to the next corner or over the next hill to see what's there. We may find incredible beauty and a smooth road or we may find uneven terrain, barren landscape or a huge hill. But we won't know until we get there.

Should I stop because I don't know what is around the next corner? It would be safe to turn back and stay on a road I know; but I think that if I stop I might miss something beautiful. Sure, there is the risk that I will find rough terrain, but I don't know what I will find until I turn the corner. I may never know the beauty I missed, but I will probably wonder what I lost by not rounding that corner.

I think life is like that; we must go around the corner to see what is there. It may be wonderful or horrible, but we won't know unless we continue to run forward. I do know that God is already around the corner preparing to meet me. God will celebrate the beauty with me or He will carry me over the rough terrain. He promises to be there in every circumstance!

I also believe that the road I have taken to get thus far has prepared me for what is around the corner. I have followed the road that has been laid out for me and I must continue to move forward. It would get rather boring if I kept running on the same portion of road over and over again. There would be no learning, growing, or adventure.

So I run forward anxiously awaiting what is around the corner. I look forward to meeting God in a new way, on a new path. I look for the adventure that my life is to be, growing in my love for God, others and myself.

I'll see you around the corner!