Yesterday my friend shared a quote from Fred Rogers on Facebook and while I was reading that I was watching the news. The two were related in an interesting way, making me think that I was suppose to make the connection.
"When I was a boy and I would see scary things in the news, my mother would say to me, 'Look for the helpers. You will always find people who are helping.'" - Fred RogersWhat I heard and saw on TV was Matt Lauer interviewing witnesses to the explosions. The one thing each person said was that they saw the volunteers, medical staff, police and fire personnel run to help those who were in need. Each one said the image that would stay with them for the rest of their lives was that of those running to help.
There are always helpers! That is were we find God in a terrible situation, it is in the helpers. God is in the people who run to help others, risking their lives, providing healing and comfort to those in need. God is in the soldier who ran 26.2 miles in uniform (it must have been heavy and hot) then turned back to help in the chaos of a war-like situation. God is in the volunteers who continued to hand out blankets, bottles of water and medals to the runners as they crossed the finish line . God can be found in the runners who showed up at area hospitals to give blood after running 26.2 miles, which takes pretty much everything out of a person.
It is NOT God's will that someone plant explosives at a crowded venue and have loss of life, limb and health. But God is still there in the midst of the loss through those who put their own needs, their own lives aside to provide healing, comfort, prayer to those who need it. I cannot imagine the pain felt by so many people, the loss, terror and trauma that will continue to haunt many for the rest of their lives; there is no pat, easy answer. The only comfort I can find is that God is there, in flesh and blood, in all the people who respond and help.
Violence is NOT God's will, but He has a definite response. The response is LOVE. God has shown us this through Jesus. He was beaten, mocked, tortured and killed on a cross. He did not strike with the sword, but responded with forgiveness and love. Let us remember the love that has flowed from so many people in this situation and carry it forward in our own lives. That is how we will find the living Christ.